Yes. It is January 29th. And I am just now posting our Christmas. We had a film shoot this past Saturday and beforehand we were formatting our memory cards when I realized our Christmas photos had never been copied onto the computer! So, the reason for the late post, I had forgotten I even had pictures!
We celebrated Christmas with my family a few days after Christmas. This did not keep us from celebrating our tradition of waiting to come downstairs until our parents gave us the Okay. We would then walk down the stairs without looking at our "Santa" gifts. After gifts, which is typically a three hour process, my grandparents stopped by and we had a huge breakfast. We ate biscuits, gravy, eggs, fried potatoes, fried chicken, and I am sure some other important side dish.
We continued the day playing with Owen, prepping food for dinner, playing Canasta, and simply enjoying staying in our pajamas all day long.
It was a good day.

I think this picture is hilarious. Matt thinks Julie and myself are silly for keeping our eyes closed until we get downstairs. Yet, in this photo, you can clearly see he is trying to keep up the tradition with Owen :)
Owen got an old toy clock just like Pops had as a kid!
Owen showing Pops some of his new clothes.
Owen liked his noise maker that sounds like a cow mooing.
Nothing better than an Amazon gift card.
Sweet baby Owen celebrating his 2nd Christmas! Eek!
Dad always examines each gift with such care, even if it is just some almonds. :)
Oh my. Look out!
Owen opening his gift from Justin and me. It is seen below in the next photo.
He loves watching his daddy mow and he loves pushing things. So we got him his own lawn mower! He pushed that thing around forever.
I love this. Julie has been wanting Hunter boots forever now and had come to the conclusion that she probably wasn't getting any. But to her surprise! She was! I just love her reaction here.
Of course they had to be tried on.
This is Owen first seeing his new tractor from Pops and Gran. I think he was a little overwhelmed by it.
It even has a real working radio on it. This is perfect for the child that loves music.
He was not able to push the pedal (though he quickly mastered it), so we would push it for him!
As you can see, he wanted his lawn mower in the back..
Our Christmas was absolutely wonderful. Is it December yet?
PS: If you didn't notice through the series of photos, my mom, sister, and myself all wear matching pajamas. And we forgot to get a picture together...
This is so neat! We celebrated late with my family, too, but we kept all our old traditions. It's so special. These memories are so precious!